Boards & Comissions
the County of Hawaiʻi
Boards and Commissions
The County of Hawaiʻi Boards and Commissions provide an opportunity for citizens to have a voice in their government and influence decisions that shape the quality of life for Hawaiʻi Island residents.
Unfortunately, in our planning commissions, these positions are mostly filled with special interest groups that are voting off our lands towards over-developing our precious agricultural lands into a subdivided luxury residential property that has increased our taxes and pushed locals out in many ways. This irradicates cultural landscapes and misaligns with the Hawai’i State Constitution. At the same time, we have the most mass exodus of Native Hawaiians moving off our lands or forced into houselessness since the pandemic due to the overdevelopment and offshore investors vacation home craze. All to benefit offshore investors, gating up our communities and gating residents from accessing the Mauna in case of evacuations. Further more land planning commissions are not addressing residential concerns such as carrying capacity, water capacity limits, over-tourism, and impact fees. It is important to get more kama’aina representation to volunteer on boards and commissions to help steer the future of Hawai’i.